The Historical Atlas of Canada was a three-volume collaborative research and publishing project, finished in 1993, which used maps text and other graphics to explore themes in the history of Canada. The Historical Atlas of Canada Online Learning Project is intended to make the maps and data generated for the Atlas available to a wider audience by re-designing them for the Internet. This is being accomplished by creating a web site which includes conventional text and image pages, but where the main focus is on interactive maps. By enabling users to zoom in and out on map displays, turn map layers on or off, and access the tables of data behind the maps, the map-viewing experience becomes active exploration of the data and themes presented.

Mots-clés: canada, québec, amérique, atlas, numérique, livre, carte, interactive, historique, préhistoire, antiquité, moderne, moyen-âge, contemporain, autochtone,

À propos de Joshua L.J. Vachon

Joshua complète présentement une maîtrise en Informatique appliquée à l'histoire (M.A. Histoire) à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Ses recherches portent sur les humanités numériques et la création d'un système alimentaire historique.

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